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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Important Information Regarding Biology & Chemistry


  • General Biology 01:119:115 and 01:119:116 is a two semester sequence intended for students majoring in the life sciences, and for students who plan to attend a professional school in the sciences. It includes two weekly lectures and a problem solving workshop, but the course has a separate laboratory (01:119:117) taken either with or after 116.
  • Along with Bio 117 (the 2 credit laboratory course), the Bio 115/116 sequence is a CORE requirement for all life science.
  • Students must place in College Writing 101 and Pre-calculus or higher in order to register for Biology 115 in the Fall semester. Summer registration in Bio 115 requires prior completion of Expos 101 and Pre-calculus 111-112 or 115.
  • If students don't meet prerequisites they may be registered for Preparation for Biology 199 (4 credit class), a success in Life Sciences study skills course. This class does not replace Biology 115. It will appear on their transcript, be included in their GPA, and will count toward their 120 credits needed to graduate.


  • Calculus placement is required to register for General Chemistry 161.
  • Pre-calculus 115 placement allows first semester freshmen an opportunity to take Extended General Chemistry 165 (also known as the Solid GEMS Program). Precalculus must be taken as a co-requisite. Solid GEMS is an intensive academic program designed to increase the performance of students in General Chemistry 1 & 2. Solid GEMS chemistry covers exactly the same materials as Chemistry 161 and 162. Students take the same final and are graded in the same manner. The only differences are a different course number, smaller classes, extended lectures, and recitations in the classroom rather than online.
  • Precalculus 111,112 Placement (Precalc over two semesters) - Introduction to Chemistry 134 (a 3 credit course). This is a prep course for students who plan to study science in college. The course will appear on their transcript, be included in their GPA, and will count toward their 120 credits needed to graduate.
  • Chemistry 134 provides an opportunity for students to strengthen their skill base in a supportive environment. This course covers foundational concepts in inorganic chemistry. Data attests to the success of the course in preparing students for General Chemistry. Students who work hard generally do well in Chemistry 134 and often find that their grade helps their GPA. Students successfully completing Intro. to Chemistry in the Fall are given first preference for registration into General Chemistry 161 in the spring semester.